
People often times set New Years Resolutions and Goals, but they fail to really define the Person who they currently are and the Person who they Want To Be.  Life is full of choices and often times it's very easy to make the wrong ones.  To help make better choices we must define who we are and what kind of person we want others to perceive us as.  What is it that you want to leave behind as a legacy?

Here is a very simple example of a wrong way to go about things.  "I want to lose weight this year," might very well be a New Years Resolution.  It's a common goal that people set for themselves, but they always fail it.  Why?  No clear course of action is taken.

Sure, they might work out a few times, they might try to eat a little bit healthier, but all in all no real course of action is taken.  Instead, you need to formulate a plan and that starts by defining who you want to be.  Imagine someone you'd like to look like, find a picture of that person, set it as your desktop wallpaper/background to provide you with simple inspiration and motivation.

From there, you might take action even further.  Perhaps you want to workout your upper body three days a week and your lower body three days a week and take one day a week off to rest.  What about cardiovascular exercise?  Are you going to run six days a week and take one day off?  How long are you going to run?  20 minutes?  30 minutes?  5 minutes?  Hey, some people can't run that far.  Slow progress is better than no progress.

Now we get into the food planning.  Yep, gotta do that too.  Maybe the first week you remove soda from your habits.  The second week you might remove candy bars and on and on.  I think that by now you're getting the point?  Everything that you do in life is determined by your mindset.  You must provide value to people if you want them to continue to use your services.  If you don't provide value, you'll never get anywhere in life.

That is the key difference between those who succeed and those who don't.  Mindset and Value.  People often jump into things without providing any real value and wonder why it is that they can't succeed?  Well, that's why.

It is my mission and goal in life to succeed, but more than that I want to see others succeed.  I want to inspire and motivate others into massive action.  Without that plan and massive action, you will fail in life.  Having a system is very important.  You need to know how you're going to succeed in life if you want to get there.  Hopefully through this blog, I will be able to inspire and motivate others into taking lots of action.

If you do nothing this year, if you take no action at all, then you fail.  I don't want to see you fail.  No body likes being at rock bottom.  Trust me, I know what it's like, being 32 years old, single, never married, still living with your parents, never been over seas, and not living the life you want.  I know, been there, done that.  It is my goal and vision to travel the world and to help you get out of a rut at the same time.

So, if you have the mindset to follow along, I encourage you to do so.  You life is about to change, just by reading this blog.  I hope that one day, you'll be able to share your success with me and the rest of the world.  After all....You have to take the first step to climb that Mountain ahead of you.  If you always stay at the bottom, you always see what is right in front of you.

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